cover image: Navigating challenges: Policy solutions for Ukrainian firms on the road to recovery


Navigating challenges: Policy solutions for Ukrainian firms on the road to recovery

29 Apr 2024

Ukraine in 2014, and the full-scale invasion of the The implementation of targeted policies and country in 2022. [...] The survey results highlight interventions need to be tailored to specific contexts.10 11 the disruptive nature of the ongoing conflict and its We draw on data from the UNIDO Enterprise Survey 2 Navigating challenges: Policy solutions for INSIGHTS ON INDUSTRIAL Ukrainian firms on the road to recovery DEVELOPMENT 2023 to analyse the effects of the ongoing armed conflict on firm performance in Ukrai. [...] higher cost of materials and energy and the shortage of The survey results also reveal that the majority of labour, aligning with the reported bottlenecks and firms (70 per cent) have experienced input shortages as challenges induced by the ongoing conflict. [...] 5 In 2023, UNIDO conducted the firm-level survey to assess the current and expected impacts of the ongoing armed conflict on Ukrainian firms, their needs, the government strategies being implemented in response and entrepreneurs’ perception of existing and future support measures provided by the local and national government. [...] The views expressed in the Briefs are those of the author(s) based on their research and expertise and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNIDO (read more).


Florian Hespeel

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