cover image: To: The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, P. C., M. P., Minister of Innovation,


To: The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, P. C., M. P., Minister of Innovation,

24 Apr 2024

P., Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry CC: Joël Lightbound, Chair of the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology Rick Perkins, Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology Jean-Denis Garon, Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology Members of the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology RE: Joint call for AIDA to be sent back for meanin. [...] Our concerns have only increased as a result of the hasty, confusing, and rushed study of the legislation at the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology (INDU). [...] This study has revealed the depth of the flaws in both the legislation and the consultation process itself. [...] The flaws in the process, on the other hand, are evident from the diversity of voices – from the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce – which have recently called for additional consultation before AIDA is passed.1 We write to amplify these important voices and to add to their number. [...] It is no fault of INDU – which had the daunting, perhaps impossible, task of studying both the privacy and AI provisions of Bill C-27 within the logistical confines of the committee process and parliamentary calendar – that its study proved not to be an adequate replacement for the fulsome consultation with Indigenous rights-holders, civil society, the private sector, and other stakeholders that s.
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