cover image: Police in Schools


Police in Schools

3 Apr 2024

17 3 Interactions with the Police Most of the time, you do not have to talk to the police. [...] 6 Use of Force by the Police The police are only allowed to use as much force as is necessary to arrest you or ensure a situation is safe. [...] 12 Filming the Police You have the right to take photos and videos of the police while they perform their public duties. [...] • If you are under 18, you have the right to have a lawyer and/or parent present when the police question you. [...] British Columbia Resources You can file a police complaint against municipal police officers through the Office of the Police Complaint Commission of BC at: If your privacy was violated by the school, you can file a privacy complaint with the BC Office of the Privacy Commissioner at: If you were seriously harmed by the police, or if you have seen the police seriously harm.
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