cover image: Strengthening the Resilience of the UK Food System Funding Opportunity Equality Impact Assessment


Strengthening the Resilience of the UK Food System Funding Opportunity Equality Impact Assessment

17 Apr 2024

Summary of aims and objectives This funding opportunity is for interdisciplinary of the policy/funding activity/event and collaborative research proposals to strengthen the resilience of the UK food system to cascading risk and systemic shocks by taking a food systems approach. [...] What are the arrangements for BBSRC is dedicated to ensuring that the monitoring and reviewing the processes for its funding opportunities are open actual impact of the policy/funding and inclusive. [...] In line with this we adopt the following principles to ensure equality and maximise the impact of the funding opportunity: For applicants • The call is advertised widely to reach the largest possible audience • The call text and guidance clearly state the eligibility and assessment criteria • The UKRI website conforms to accessibility requirements for websites, including the ability to adjust the. [...] Guidance to be provided to Career breaks in the panel to ensure applicant track records appropriate assessment of due to parental leave or applicant track record without caring responsibilities bias against career breaks may be seen as negative due to parental leave/caring by the panel responsibilities and others Race Potentially There is always the BBSRC will ensure that the negative possibility. [...] It is important that BBSRC will monitor the selection of panel diversity of panel members to members represents the ensure good representations diversity of the research of place, gender and career community and UK stage and through this, society more broadly.


Jamie Stone - BBSRC UKRI

Published in
United Kingdom