cover image: EPSRC Funding Opportunity: Transforming prediction and early diagnosis in the community


EPSRC Funding Opportunity: Transforming prediction and early diagnosis in the community

12 Apr 2024

Research"? Is it expected to present evidence of patient and public The criteria for the outline stage include how the aplicants have: involvement alongside the plan during the Outline stage? - demonstrated how the project will engage with relevant partners to ensure the research is co-created and co-delivered with users - demonstrated how the project has considered health eq. [...] So it's for you to consider who are the most appropriate people that you should be engaging and partnering with in your application and making the case to kind of peer review, and the the panel members. [...] People make the choices that are available to them and it's got to be seen in the wider context of the politics of austerity. [...] But the excitement of this call is drawing on the ideas, the knowledge, and the expertise of our community. [...] Is such research in the focus of the where's the relevance to community settings? As well as it within the context of looking call? at health inequalities and PPI.


Kate Reading - EPSRC UKRI

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United Kingdom