cover image: AIPP Cons�tu�on and By Laws PROVISION  PREAMBLE Ar�cle I. Name


AIPP Cons�tu�on and By Laws PROVISION PREAMBLE Ar�cle I. Name

18 Apr 2024

The Secretariat, under the supervision of the Secretary General in close cooperaon and coordinaon with the EC, AIPP members, partners and networks shall be responsible for the implementaon of the Programmes and acvies of AIPP as approved by the General Assembly. [...] Each member has the right to be represented in the decision-making process of the AIPP General Assembly, including the selecon of members of the Execuve Council, the Chairperson and the Secretary General. [...] Members have the right to voice opinions on the funconing of the AIPP as well as to bring to the atenon of the Execuve Council and the General Assembly any mater concerning the organizaon (AIPP) and Indigenous Peoples cause and struggles in general. [...] In the event of a member leaving the Execuve Council, the members from the subregion shall be asked by the EC to nominate to the Execuve Council, through the Chairperson a new Execuve Council member for the sub-region at the earliest possible me. [...] Secon 2: The SG and the Execuve Council shall define the tasks and responsibilies as well as the TOR for the Deputy Secretary General; and the SG and the Execuve Council shall conduct a regular assessment of the performance of the Deputy SG.


Gam Shimray

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