cover image: Take control to ensure access to medicines in the EU


Take control to ensure access to medicines in the EU

18 Apr 2024

Take control to ensure access to medicines in the EU Joint call of public health organizations ahead of the European Parliament elections in June 2024 When you are ill, you want to receive the care and treatment you need. [...] Key principles A group of public health organizations from across the EU are calling on current and prospective Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to take the opportunity and responsibility to guarantee access to affordable medicines for all. [...] While the European Parliament has just adopted its position on the reform of the European Pharmaceutical legislation, we are raising its attention to safeguard the key principles below to ensure access to life-saving treatments. [...] ➔ Policymakers should promote efficient and transparent pricing, payment and procurement policies to improve the affordability and cost-effectiveness of medicines and the sustainability of national healthcare systems. [...] Foster global equity Equity should be at the core of European and global access to medicines policies, which means unhindered, fair, equitable and timely access to safe, effective, quality and affordable medical products.


Aliénor Devalière | Wemos

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