cover image: Podcast: Global challenges – Global solutions Transcript for: Addressing major labour market challenges in the world of


Podcast: Global challenges – Global solutions Transcript for: Addressing major labour market challenges in the world of

8 Apr 2024

I’m your host Tom Netter…and today we’re going to talk about the contribution and role of employment policies, what we’ve learned from the past and where we’re heading in the future and in the face of new and growing challenges in the world of work. [...] As stated in that Convention and through the approach we take on employment policy in recent times, we look at not only job creation, which is absolutely essential, but also how to improve the quality of employment and the access to jobs, and that is based on evidence and social dialogue. [...] It was led by the president, but in terms of the task force that was set up to develop the strategy, it was chaired not only by the Department of Labour and Employment, but also Department of Trade and Industry and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, TESDA. [...] ILO Podcast Episode 37: Addressing major labour market challenges in the world of work: Page 4 What are the implications for promoting employment? of 7 These three arms of government represent the dimensions that I highlighted in the context of the Convention 122 in terms of job creation, the quality of employment and access to jobs. [...] It's important to see the employment policy as an umbrella to a range of measures, and the beneficiaries are reached through these specific measures, particularly the programmes that are rolled out to achieve the goals of the employment policy.


Sanchez, Jeannette

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