cover image: Special Report 2 GEOPOLITICAL ENERGY FUTURES - The Geopolitics of Energy in the


Special Report 2 GEOPOLITICAL ENERGY FUTURES - The Geopolitics of Energy in the

25 Apr 2024

The focal trends encompass the evolution of coal and gas, the greening of the EU’s energy landscape, and the reverberations these hold for the Global South. [...] Moreover, the debate over whether achieving the green hydrogen path aligns with the constraints of the climate timeline and the evolving dynamics of the market adds complexity to the issue. [...] Tension points with the EU: Implications for South Africa’s relations with the EU This section examines the evolving dynamics between South Africa and the EU in the context of energy and geopolitics. [...] South Africa's energy transition and its relations with the EU in the context of energy and geopolitics require careful navigation and a proactive approach South Africa’s energy transition and its relations with the EU in the context of energy and geopolitics require careful navigation and a proactive approach. [...] 20 Special Report | THE GEOPOLITICS OF ENERGY IN THE POST-COVID-19 ERA Narratives and realities: Implications for South Africa and the US It is essential to bridge the gap between narratives and realities in international relations.
Published in
South Africa