cover image: Special Report 4 GEOPOLITICAL ENERGY FUTURES - Systemic Innovations for South Africa’s Energy Futures:


Special Report 4 GEOPOLITICAL ENERGY FUTURES - Systemic Innovations for South Africa’s Energy Futures:

23 Apr 2024

Seeds of the preferable just transition • The formation of the International Partners Group (IPG) occurred through collaboration among the administrations of France, Germany, the UK, the US and the EU. [...] Seeds of the preferable just transition • The implementation of the Free Basic Electricity (FBE) Subsidy • The implementation of the Free Basic Alternative Energy (FBAE) Subsidy • The development of the Skills Roadmap developed in collaboration with the Energy Water Sector Education Training Authority, the South African National Energy Association and the BRICS Business Council. [...] • Civil society pursued legal action to use the courts to force the President of South Africa and the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy to publish an Integrated Energy Plan.43 • The establishment of the independent power producers (IPP) Office represented a new partnership between the Department of Minerals Resources and Energy (DMRE), Development Bank of Southern Africa and South African N. [...] In South Africa, this has led to the development of the JETIP and the establishment of a range of institutions and bodies to give effect to JETP. [...] The global energy transition is an example of a system that intersects a number of these issues: the limits of the planetary systems and the planetary boundaries we have come up against, the effects of climate change, the necessity of energy security for development and the need to transition to new sustainable and just methods of production and consumption.
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South Africa