cover image: Aliyev in Berlin – Guide to a crime scene


Aliyev in Berlin – Guide to a crime scene

8 May 2024

At the same time, he deplores discrimination and prejudice against Azerbaijan as causes of criticism, alleging bias and unjust treatment: “Is it once again … some sort of game being played with us?! The Chancellor of Germany [Olaf Scholz] demonstrates impartiality … while a member of his party [Frank Schwabe] tries to get rid of Azerbaijan from the Council of Europe, get rid of one of the two non-. [...] Ulvi is the founder and director of the media outlet Abzas (“paragraph” in Azeri), known for investigative journalism exposing the corruption of authorities, including the Aliyev family, as well as corruption in the reconstruction of Nagorno-Karabakh. [...] allegations of torture and ill-treatment by the police and other law enforcement agencies remain of major concern … Azerbaijan is one of the countries having the highest number of non-implemented Court judgments … From the above, it is clear that a number of outstanding serious concerns with regard to the rule of law, pluralist democracy and human rights remain unaddressed in Azerbaijan, as illust. [...] Heeding the lessons of past failings regarding Putin’s Russia in the Council of Europe, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers must break its silence with a simple strong message, both to Azerbaijan and to all member states: There can be no political prisoners in any Council of Europe member state. [...] Germany should push for the Committee of Ministers in Strasbourg in the next weeks to embrace this position: Both PACE and the Committee of Ministers want Azerbaijan to remain a member of the Council of Europe.


Kristof Bender

Published in
Bosnia and Herzegovina