cover image: Historic vote – Kosovo’s breakthrough – a Unicorn 131:29


Historic vote – Kosovo’s breakthrough – a Unicorn 131:29

24 Apr 2024

… and the notion of “post-accession” conditions is based on the solid expectation that joining the Council of Europe is helpful for human rights protection … … what arguments are left to convince member states not to follow the PACE recommendation and vote this May to let Kosovo join the Council of Europe; and thereby offer to all its people, including the Serb minority, the benefits of the most a. [...] From the eminent lawyers report (November 2023) The eminent lawyers explore the link between the demand for an ASM and Council of Europe standards in great detail, noting: “The standards of the Council of Europe in the field of decentralisation and effective participation of minorities are relevant in the present case and include foremost the European Charter of Local Self Government.” The lawyers. [...] The Assembly considers that the establishment of the Association should feature in the Committee of Ministers’ future consideration of Kosovo’s application to accede to the Council of Europe, as a post-accession commitment for Kosovo.” So far, so clear: Municipalities in European democracies have the right to create and join associations of municipalities. [...] Some existing associations of municipalities in the Western Balkans Albanian Association of Municipalities Association of Municipalities and Cities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Union of Municipalities and Cities of the Republic of Srpska Union of Municipalities of Montenegro Association of the Units of Local Self-Government of the Republic of North Macedonia Standing conference of t. [...] Municipalities shall be entitled to receive financial assistance from the Republic of Serbia, subject to the following provisions: Any financial assistance to Kosovo municipalities from the Republic of Serbia shall be limited in their purpose to the exercise of a municipality’s responsibilities in the areas of its own competencies, and shall be transparent and made public.


Kristof Bender

Published in
Bosnia and Herzegovina