cover image: By the Numbers: Data on Key Programs for the Well-Being of Women, LGBTQIA+ People, and Their Families


By the Numbers: Data on Key Programs for the Well-Being of Women, LGBTQIA+ People, and Their Families

26 Apr 2024

Sixty- three percent of HAF beneficiaries are women, 40% are Federal housing assistance moved over 2.6 million people Black, and 20% are Latinx.13 out of poverty as measured by the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) in 2022, including 1.1 million women As the ERA programs wind down while rent and cost- (325,000 of whom are Black, 299,000 of whom are Latina, burdens remain high, the threat of evict. [...] For Tax Year 2021, the ARPA expanded the EITC for workers without children, expanding • W OMEN OF COLOR 19 AND LGBTQ WOMEN20 especially the age limits for EITC eligibility and nearly tripling the benefit from the EITC. [...] • IN 2019, 39 percent of LGBTQ women living with children participated in the NSLP, compared to 23 percent of non- • I N DECEMBER 2023, WIC served over 6.5 million LGBTQ women and 12 percent of non-LGBTQ men living women, infants, and children.39 with children.48 • WIC SERVES 39 PERCENT OF ALL INFANTS in the United In 2022, the National School Lunch Program moved nearly States.40 1.5 million peopl. [...] states impose stringent eligibility requirements that disproportionately exclude women and workers of color— • A s of December 2022, the average Social Security who are overrepresented among low-paid, part-time benefit for retired women 65 and older was only about workers.57 $19,925 per year.63 • IN 2020, 23 percent of LGBTQ women and 20 percent of • I n contrast, the average Social Security benef. [...] Census Bureau, “Current Population Survey, 2022 Annual Social and Economic 43 W atson, McNeil, and Broisman, “The Economic Well-Being of LGBT Adults Supplement (CPS ASEC).” Numbers are rounded to the nearest in the U.
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United States of America