TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer 3 Fossil Fuel Expansion 52 Conclusion and Demands 104 Endnotes 110


TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer 3 Fossil Fuel Expansion 52 Conclusion and Demands 104 Endnotes 110

13 May 2024

16 B A N K I N G O N C L I M A T E C H A O S 2024 B A N K I N G O N C L I M A T E C H A O S 2024 17 An increase in financing by a handful of European banks is one of for a quarter of the global coal trade.27 Only a handful of banks restrict the surprising trends of 2023. [...] The widest policy gap is the one between net-zero-by-2050 targets, alliance, committing to achieve net-zero emissions in their lending and The global effects of climate change – intensified by the emissions of and the banks’ current fossil fuel finance decisions, which do not reflect investment portfolios by 2050 at the latest.63 Of the 60 banks featured Bank policies on human rights, Free, Prior,. [...] Only eight banks include both lending and underwriting in the scope of their targets, whereas over 40% of the financing for the fossil fuel industry identified in this report is in the form of underwriting. [...] But the impacts from human overconsumption, people on the frontlines win justice for are visceral for the millions of people living on the frontlines of the their communities and the planet by organizing and standing up to extraction, processing, and transportation of fossil fuels. [...] Sometimes, as in the cases of the Amazon and the Arctic, the same people living with worsening hurricanes, stronger storm surges, rising sea levels, and the lasting » To learn more about these frontline stories directly from the impacted effects of racial and gender injustice, and inequality are also at the communities, visit:
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