WHAT IS THE PROGRAMME’S MAIN AIM? EuroMed Justice aims to strengthen the strategic and operational cooperation in judicial criminal matters between South Partner Countries and European Union (EU) Member States to contribute to the protection of their respective citizens against criminal activities, with due respect for the rule of law, and human and fundamental rights. [...] By continuing to support the strategic cooperation mechanism established in the previous phases of the project: ` EuroMed Justice Expert Group in Criminal Matters (CrimEx), which fosters the region’s ownership in the implementation of the project, builds trust and mutual confidence, and exchanges best practices and lessons learned. [...] By providing ad hoc technical assistance at the request of at least two participating countries to support activities not foreseen in the original plans, organising operational meetings among South Partner Countries and between South Partner Countries and EU Member States, with the possible participation of Eurojust. [...] By organising meetings on the benefits of international agreements, facilitating the development of data protection regimes in South Partner Countries and organising the stay of visiting professionals at Eurojust to support the negotiation of international agreements between Eurojust and South Partner Countries. [...] the European Judicial Network (EJN), the Network of National Experts on Joint Investigation Teams (JIT Network), the European Judicial Cybercrime Network (EJCN) and the Focus Groups on Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 2
- Published in
- Netherlands