cover image: Tentative roadmap for 2024 meetings of the Governing Bodies of UN-Habitat (May 2024 to December 2024) - (Previous roadmap is accessible here)


Tentative roadmap for 2024 meetings of the Governing Bodies of UN-Habitat (May 2024 to December 2024) - (Previous roadmap is accessible here)

16 May 2024

Tentative roadmap for 2024 meetings of the Governing Bodies of UN-Habitat (May 2024 to December 2024) (Previous roadmap is accessible here) Legend Bureau of the Executive Board ad hoc working group on ad hoc working group on the Executive Board sessions Other meetings Other Key Bureau of the CPR, programmatic, budgetary and development of a stakeholder sessions Bureau of the UN-Habitat Assembly ad. [...] Meetings of the Governing Bodies of UN-Habitat Key Agenda items Other relevant meetings September 2024 Monday 2 September 2024 -Bureau of the Executive Board - Preparations for the 2024 second session of the 10:00 - 12:00 EAT Executive Board Hybrid meeting Monday 2 September 2024-Meeting of the Bureau of the - Preparations for the resumed second regular Session United Nations Habitat Assembly of t. [...] 14:30-16:30 noon EAT - Update on the preparations for the twelfth session of Hybrid meeting the World Urban Forum (WUF12) Wednesday,18 September 2024- ad hoc working group on the - Development of a draft stakeholder engagement development of a stakeholder engagement policy policy 10:00-12:00 noon EAT Hybrid meeting October 2024 Wednesday 9 October 2024-ad hoc working group on Discussion on: progra. [...] Hybrid meeting - the draft Strategic Plan for the period 2026-2029 - The Financial Status of UN-Habitat - Update on the preparations for the twelfth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12) Wednesday 9 October 2024-ad hoc working group on Discussion on Normative and operational Activities of programmatic, budgetary and administrative matters UN-Habitat including updates on status of the 14:30-16:3. [...] Meetings of the Governing Bodies of UN-Habitat Key Agenda items Other relevant meetings Hybrid meeting Friday 22 November 2024-Briefing by the Executive Director - Briefing by the Executive Director on the status of 10:00-12:00 EAT preparations of the 2024 second session of the Hybrid meeting Executive Board - Briefing on the status of implementation of Resolutions of the United Nations Habitat As.


Ying Jiang

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