cover image: The UN Counter-Terrorism Agenda and - April 2024 - its Linkages to Broader Prevention,


The UN Counter-Terrorism Agenda and - April 2024 - its Linkages to Broader Prevention,

9 May 2024

As member states look ahead to the Summit Visiting Scholar, of the Future, the authors provide insights regarding ways that the Pact Peacebuilding, Prevention, for the Future might better reflect the intersections between counter- and Protracted Crises terrorism and the broader peace and security approaches, with the goal New York University’s Center of laying a foundation for a more holistic appr. [...] Concerns regarding the negative impacts of counter-terrorism laws, policies, and measures in general, and the lack of human rights and rule of law promotion and protection, gender-sensitivity, and meaningful civil society engagement in particular, have long been documented and apply to the growing UN architecture Member states could and activities.2 Among the consequences are a severe shrinking of. [...] The second chapter of the Pact for the Future provides an opportunity to identify priorities for coordinated, complementary efforts to address threats to international peace and security at both the national and international level, emphasizing the importance of an approach to counter- terrorism efforts that is inclusive, rights-compliant, and gender-responsive. [...] Attention should be paid to the benefits of addressing the drivers of violent extremism as part of the broader peace and security agenda, and member states could consider incorporating language on the prevention of violent extremism as part of violence prevention more broadly, including in the context of nationally led prevention strategies, when negotiating the Pact for the Future. [...] Closing silos across UN efforts To a large extent, counter-terrorism and P/CVE programs and activities, as implemented by UNOCT and members of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact, overlap with the work of the United Nations in other areas of peace and security, including in the areas of prevention, peacebuilding, and peace operations.


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