cover image: PANEL 8: Capturing Savings through Behavior - PANEL LEADERS: Chrissi Antonopoulos, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez DATE


PANEL 8: Capturing Savings through Behavior - PANEL LEADERS: Chrissi Antonopoulos, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez DATE

17 May 2024

PANEL 8: Capturing Savings through Behavior PANEL LEADERS: Chrissi Antonopoulos, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez DATE SESSION TITLE LEAD AUTHOR, ORGANIZATION Session 1 Reducing Survey Bias: Old (Pretty Easy) Lessons are Lisa Skumatz, 8:30 - 10:00 am E S P ECIALLY Important for Web Surveys Skumatz Economic Research Associates Paths Forward: Approaches to Achieve Pl.



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