cover image: ‘Blue’ paper - Fact-checking plastic biodegradability in the marine environment Contents


‘Blue’ paper - Fact-checking plastic biodegradability in the marine environment Contents

2 May 2024

This should be promoted under the Global Plastic Treaty and include the production, design, use, right to repair, and end-of-life treatment of plastic products – to prevent the release of plastics in the marine environment. [...] Blue Paper 10 Fact checking about plastic biodegradability in the marine environment The international test method ISO 23832:2021, Plastics – Test methods for determination of degradation rate and disintegration degree of plastic materials exposed to marine environmental matrices under laboratory conditions, specifies test methods for the measurement of the physical degradation of samples made wit. [...] The international test method ISO 22766:2020, Plastics - Determination of the degree of disintegration of plastic materials in marine habitats under real field conditions, specifies test methods for the determination of the degree of disintegration of plastic materials exposed to marine habitats under real field conditions. [...] Comparison of the criteria of the certification schemes for the marine environment DIN Geprüft BIODEGRADABLE OK biodegradable MARINE DIN plus BIODEGRADABLE IN MARINE ENVIRONMENT Parameter IN MARINE (TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium) (DIN CERTCO) ENVIRONMENT (DIN CERTCO) Chemical Limit values for heavy metals and 1. [...] Comparison of the criteria of the certification schemes for the marine environment References.


Valeria Botta

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