cover image: sallux - Chinese Police deployments in EU-member Hungary - An analysis of potential consequences for human


sallux - Chinese Police deployments in EU-member Hungary - An analysis of potential consequences for human

30 Apr 2024

Access to Schengen systems and attempting to compare the deployment data by the Chinese police of Chinese police in Hungary to the deployed in Hungary. [...] The latter is the key in the agreement (which Ákos Hadházy issue in understanding the gravity of the MP made public) is that it allows ‘other consequences for the security of the EU forms of of cooperation proposed by and NATO as well as the human rights of either party’. [...] Thanks to the efforts of Ákos Hadházy MP, some elements of the agreement This means that there is no legal have become public, regardless of the guarantee that the cooperation between intention of the Orban government the Chinese and Hungarian police will to maintain secrecy over the most not give Chinese police officers access contentious elements of this cooperation to all Schengen system and da. [...] competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection The Hungarian government stated that the or prosecution of criminal offences or the Chinese police would not get access to the execution of criminal penalties, including camera systems of Budapest or elsewhere the safeguarding against and the in Hungary. [...] Aside Given the appalling record of China from the fact that it would be appalling regarding the human rights of its own enough in its own right, this could also citizens, it is clear that the Chinese lead to complaints and calls for help to the police will not respect the human dignity EU by countries such as Bangladesh.
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