cover image: Practice  |  Five things to know about ... - Pediatric sialorrhea (drooling) 1


Practice | Five things to know about ... - Pediatric sialorrhea (drooling) 1

2 May 2024

Prevalence of drooling, swal Sialorrhea can be normal in children with typical development until lowing, and feeding problems in cerebral palsy across the life span: a systematic review and meta analyses. [...] Comprehensive manage ities, and goals of care are dynamic, and sialorrhea may also fluctuate. [...] Competing interests: Julie Strychowsky reports a De 3 Nonmedical interventions can be beneficial partment of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Catalyst Grant at Western University and an Academic Reminders to swallow may be helpful, and speech or occupational Medical Organization of Southwestern Ontario grant therapy can improve oral motor skills. [...] 4 Anticholinergic medications have variable efficacy and are titrated based on therapeutic response and adverse effects Affiliations: Departments of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (Gandhi, Strychowsky) and of Atropine 1% (ophthalmic formulation; off label) is dosed at 1–2 drops Paediatrics (Chen), Schulich School of Medicine and sublingually up to every 4 hours as necessary. [...] Adverse effects include xerostomia, constipation, urinary Content licence: This is an Open Access article distrib retention, tachycardia, visual disturbance, and behavioural changes.3 uted in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY NC ND 4.0) licence, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in 5 B otulinum toxin injection or surgical interventions may any med.
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