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Research report April 2024 - The future for health after Brexit

22 Apr 2024

The future for health after Brexit 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 What has happened to the supply of products needed for health since Brexit, and why? The supply of pharmaceuticals and medical devices to patients is the most critical and direct role for internationally traded products in supporting health in the UK. [...] The German register specifies the date of the shortage, the anticipated end and the type of problem – but not the solution to the shortage. [...] Accessed 20 March 2024 16 European Commission (2023) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Addressing medicine shortages in the EU. [...] These effects are based on the regulatory and trade barriers created by the UK’s withdrawal under the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA): • customs checks at the border • the operation of the Falsified Medicines Directive system of tags and identifiers in the EU, but not in Great Britain, resulting in costly steps to remove and reapply them (Northern Ireland was subject to the Falsified M. [...] The increase in the number of doctors from the rest of the world seen after the UK left the EU continued to accelerate between March 2022 and March 2023 (see Figure 13).


Nuffield Trust

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United Kingdom