cover image: ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Scaling up People-Centered Smart Cities through National Urban Policies


ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 - Scaling up People-Centered Smart Cities through National Urban Policies

9 May 2024

This partnership fosters Policy Programme report demonstrates ownership of the programme, as well as aligning commitment of UN-Habitat in collaboration with the programme objectives and their respective the Republic of Korea through the Ministry of national or sub-national urban policies to specific Lands, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) to country development priorities. [...] support the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic This annual report thus showcases the progress of Mozambique, and Republic of Paraguay to made in the first year of NUPP Phase 2 (November realize sustainable urban development under the 2022 to November 2023). [...] This State Committee on Urban Planning was the first observance of the day in and Architecture (SCUPA) after the the Caucasus and Central Asia. [...] Other 2023 general elections and government than finalization of the prerequisite transition to the next cycle, a mission administrative processes between was conducted in Asuncion to brief the HQ and country office, the UN- and re-engage the government about Habitat Paraguay country office actively K-NUPP and to enhance capacities on participated in UNHA2 as the country’s NUP and metropolitan man. [...] The Myanmar team currently focuses more on urban resilience programming to improve living conditions of the most vulnerable in society in collaboration with UN-Women and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Niger State in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which was a core member for phase One is continuing in Phase two of the programme.
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