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Transport in Nationally Determined Contributions

15 May 2024

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) made by parties to the Paris Agreement are essential to getting the transport sector on track towards decarbonisation. But most NDCs lack detail on sectoral decarbonisation plans and targets required to deliver them. This brief, prepared for COP28 and building on the modelling in the ITF Transport Outlook 2023 , argues that governments should provide Paris Agreement-aligned transport emission-reduction targets in their NDCs, and back up these targets with domestic action. See how transport decarbonisation targets are reflected in existing NDCs using the ITF’s NDC Tracker . View PDF Date of Publication 30 November 2023 Number of Pages 6 Document transport-nationally-determined-contributions.pdf Publication Type Transport Outlook Summary Publisher ITF, Paris Related Information Assessing Health Impacts of Low-Carbon Transport Scenarios in Urban Areas Project, 30 November 2024 The complex linkages between transport, air quality, climate change and health over the short- and long-term are becoming better known. Failing to adequately identify these links may result in...
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