cover image: Focus  |  Palestine (Gaza Strip)


Focus | Palestine (Gaza Strip)

22 Apr 2024

Areas (ARAs) on both land and at sea, with up to RELIANT ON AID 100% destruction of shelter, military evacuation orders, and lack of access to food, basic services and The escalation of violence since 7 October 35 percent of the Gaza Strip’s agricultural land and PERCENTAGE OF WASH FACILITIES humanitarian assistance. [...] JOB LOSSES IN 2023 80% High levels of debt, incurred primarily to meet shelter and lack of access to basic services were Since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip basic needs, exacerbated households’ financial PERCENTAGE OF ROADS major factors increasing the risk of Famine (IPC in 2007, the ensuing economic blockade and precariousness: 79 percent of households had DAMAGED/DESTROYED 62% Global Ini. [...] During daily living conditions, livelihoods and the local the second quarter of 2022, the unemployment PERCENTAGE OF A devastating escalation of an anthropogenic, 80% economy, resulting in high unemployment, food rate in the Gaza Strip exceeded 45 percent, soaring POPULATION DISPLACED protracted food crisis insecurity and dependency on aid (UNRWA, August to over 73 percent for 19–29 year-old gradu. [...] IDPs in the southern governorates of the conflict in October 2023 and February 2024, the escalation, an average of 150–180 food trucks reported an average access of less than 2 litres of Source: FAO, 2024. [...] More than provisions; and an overall decline in GDP, lower impact on the economy due to the increased Israeli In Yemen, the ongoing geopolitical tensions in 80 percent of households lack safe water and at aggregate demand (including investment and military presence, violence, road closures and the region increased shipping costs due to rising consumer spending) and increases in poverty restricted.
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