cover image: Available data on acute food insecurity and malnutrition on displaced populations paint a dire picture.


Available data on acute food insecurity and malnutrition on displaced populations paint a dire picture.

22 Apr 2024

1.21 Number (millions) of displaced people in Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan, Somalia and South displacement crisis in the world in 2023 with resulted in another year of increasing numbers 59 food-crisis countries/territories, 2013–2023 Sudan, and economic hardship including in millions of people internally displaced between the of people forced to flee their homes in 2023. [...] in their country of origin as IDPs unreliable access to food and shelter, and reliance refugees and displaced IDPs in people A sharp increase in IDPs in 2023 on dwindling humanitarian assistance to meet asylum-seekers 38 countries/ in 56 countries territories Most displaced people in the 59 food-crisis countries/territories with data meeting GRFC Of the people newly internally displaced in 2023, t. [...] All ten countries/ with host communities, leading to higher levels populations are fairly scant, the data in the in Burkina Faso, 67 percent in Somalia, and territories with more than 2 million IDPs in 2023 of acute food insecurity compared with their host GRFC 2024 reveal a strong link between internal 100 percent of IDPs living in camps in northwest are among the ten worst food crises by number. [...] Figures 1.22 and 1.23 above show the Assistance is often targeted to camp settings highest number of children suffering from acute the population are displaced (UNRWA, January change over the last four years in the number of because vulnerable displaced populations malnutrition were in countries with the largest 3 NUMBER OF IDPS (MILLIONS) NUMBER OF IDPS (MILLIONS) SPOTLIGHT | DISPLACEMENT IDP pop. [...] The number of IDPs experiencing high levels of acute food 6 © UNICEF SPOTLIGHT | DISPLACEMENT table 1.1  Estimates of high levels of acute food insecurity among IDPs During peak High levels High levels of period of acute  Total population Population of acute food acute food Population food insecurity of reference   analysed  Analysis insecurity insecurity Countries/territories  group  Source  or n.
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