cover image: The Future of the NHS in England - Deliberation for the Health Foundation –


The Future of the NHS in England - Deliberation for the Health Foundation –

14 May 2024

The Future of the NHS in England Deliberation for the Health Foundation – appendices May 2024 Ipsos | Public deliberation on The Future of the NHS in England with the Health Foundation - appendices 23-007969-01 | Version 1 | Public | This work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the international quality standard for Market Research, ISO 20252. [...] Reflecting on the previous Table presentation, how do you feel now? discussion How do you feel about the future of the NHS? (facilitator to hand deck of ‘NHS priorities cards to every pair on the table with a series of ‘NHS priorities’ and to ask participants to select the three highest priorities and the three lowest priorities). [...] The right side of the room represents increased focus on hospital care, the left side Plenary of the room represents an increased focus on community/primary care and 2/3 of the way to the right-hand side represents a continuation of the status quo (i.e. [...] Facilitator to ask participants to take a quote card, to take on the persona Table on the quote card they are given, and to introduce their persona to the group (10 mins) discussion From 14:20: Facilitator to explain that the rest of the time will be spent learning about and comparing different policy options (set out on ‘fact files’ featuring an overview of the policy and some key information on. [...] If we moved to a system of more charges would the NHS still be ‘free at the point of use’? Why/why not? How do you feel about this? Would having fewer exemptions change this? Ipsos | Public deliberation on The Future of the NHS in England with the Health Foundation - appendices 29 We have previously discussed public support for the principle of the NHS being ‘based on need, not ability to pay’.


Kate Duxbury

Published in
United Kingdom