cover image: Health Foundation long read (PDF version) - Which technologies offer the biggest


Health Foundation long read (PDF version) - Which technologies offer the biggest

16 May 2024

To reach and represent each group, we worked directly with the relevant professional body: • anaesthetists (via the Royal College of Anaesthetists) • GPs (via the Royal College of General Practitioners) • intensive care doctors (via the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine) • nurses (via the Royal College of Nursing) • obstetricians and gynaecologists (via the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gyna. [...] Which technologies offer the biggest opportunities to save time in the NHS? 6 We also commissioned the Evidence Centre to carry out a rapid review of the evidence base on the impact of digital and telephone technology on staff time in health care to help us understand the scope of literature. [...] Which technologies offer the biggest opportunities to save time in the NHS? 9 Figure 1 Indeed, the role of and potential for technologies to support administrative and operational work and inter- professional communication was a prominent theme in interviews as well as the survey. [...] Which technologies offer the biggest opportunities to save time in the NHS? 10 It is notable that the highest-ranking technologies in our survey – EHRs (and the access to data they permit) and tools for inter-professional communication – are both central to helping the NHS move towards more. [...] Which technologies offer the biggest opportunities to save time in the NHS? 14 In the rapid evidence review, the sample of 500 studies found a potentially promising evidence base for the time-saving possibilities of automated screening and interpretation of test results, X-rays, patient records, voicemails, and so on.
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United Kingdom