cover image: T - UNISIA AT A C ROSSROADS   Study conducted as part of the initiative:


T - UNISIA AT A C ROSSROADS Study conducted as part of the initiative:

7 May 2024

The lack of basic services, along with the incapacity of the government to provide the society with an exit strategy from the crisis, brought to a centralization of power to the Presidency The first political victims of this situation were the executive body of the State. [...] Poor results in terms of reforms and the effects of the cut in services showed the hardships of coping with the loan’s conditionality and put the country in a stalemate position. [...] The significant increase in the rates of irregular migrants from Tunisia prompted the recently installed Italian government to a notable dynamism and prominence, both at the bilateral and European level, with the aim to gain the prompt cooperation of the Tunisian government in curbing 16 See I. [...] It has generated bitter criticism both from the European Parliament that found itself bypassed by the Team Europe Initiative in the finalization of the deal and from civil society, due to the impact the MoU will have on the safeguards and guarantees of migrants' human rights. [...] The MoU between Tunisia and the EU also recalls the commitment of the two parties in the promotion of legal migration as well as the mobility of skills at all levels, including by facilitating visas, reducing their costs and committing to the implementation of a Talent Partnership to promote legal migration benefitting sectors of activity and occupations jointly identified.



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