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GSPE04.Emerging disruptive technologies: Dilemmas of deterrence - Google Docs

10 May 2024

T hose recommendations were approved a t the Brussels S ummit.4 A t the 2022 Madrid Summit, the allies e stablished NATO’s Defence Innovation A ccelerator for the N orth Atlantic t o strengthen transatlantic c ollaboration on emerging t echnologies. [...] As some m ove f orward w ith embracing advanced E DT – the US in particular – there is a concern that other allies m ay not be a ble t o keep up, and t hat the a bility to communicate and o perate together a t the ‘ speed of relevance’ will be impaired. [...] In grey z one manoeuvre, surprise i s not the a im, the purchase of political c apital is, a t the expense of signalling a capability ( or intent to acquire one) and allows a potential adversary to work on a counter. [...] These include the shortening o f decision-making c ycles with hypersonics and machine learning, t he risk of a perishable first mover advantage in the use of A I, cyber o r quantum technologies t o disable C 2, disaggregate the f orce and d eny (particularly to t he UK a nd US) its c urrent advantages in a ll domain force integration. [...] He h as served a s a f oreign policy advisor to t en senior A merican a nd NATO Commanders in t he fields of m aritime a nd joint expeditionary operations, including as t he advisor to Naval Striking and S upport Forces in NATO.
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