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Gender Equality Action Plans: Method and tool brief

29 Apr 2024

Gender Equality Action Plans: Method and tool brief Gender Mainstreaming Gender Equality Action Plans: Method and tool brief European Institute for Gender Equality Gender Equality Action Plans: Method and tool brief European Institute for Gender Equality We are an independent centre and the primary source European Institute for Gender Equality, EIGE for information on gender equality in the Europe. [...] More on gender and intersecting Gender equality action plans: inequalities • outline the gender equality goals the The interactions of sex and gender with institution aims to achieve and the spe- other characteristics create unique forms cific actions to carry out to achieve of discrimination and exclusion, exposing each goal; specific groups of women and men to a • present the timeframe and (huma. [...] • showcase the efforts of the institution to To facilitate gender mainstreaming in the output improve gender equality in their internal dimension, gender equality action plans can: and external activities, including in the de- velopment and delivery of gender-sensitive • ensure that gender equality objectives and products and services. [...] This and tacit forms of gender inequalities within the is necessary to ensure that the actions that will institution, and consult with staff to understand be presented in the plan are targeted to the their perceptions on gender equality within the needs of the institution and can be realistically institution. [...] S tep 2 – Develop and adopt of institution considered, the mandate and the gender equality action strategic objectives of an institution and the plan gender equality issues that have been identified (see Examples of measures in gender equali- After establishing the status quo through data ty action plans for inspiration on the types of collection and analysis, the organisation can measures that ca.



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