cover image: May 20 - PATRIOTS’ DAY 2024 - – Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) –


May 20 - PATRIOTS’ DAY 2024 - – Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) –

18 May 2024

On called on Canadians to rename Victoria Day as this day the Party calls on members and support- Patriots’ Day and celebrate our patriots, not those ers across the country to devote a period of time to of the empire-builders. [...] Don’t just choose the name the throne of Charles III and his shameless official of one of those promoted by the official circles recognition by official circles in Canada as their king, linked to King and Empire, but choose one from Official Canada celebrates Victoria Day on the the lived experience of this country Canada or the Monday preceding May 24 to honour the birthday countries of origin of. [...] protectors of the poor and destitute, and many other On this occasion we salute those patriots, as well names which turn truth on its head and make fraud as the patriots in Upper Canada who also rose in the name of the game. [...] imperialists even gave the name Patriot All of them were an integral part of the movements to the offensive missile systems used to destroy Iraq for independence across all of the Americas, and in the 2003 Iraq War which it provides to its allies of the strivings to end the system of slavery and its to destroy others. [...] Patriots Day as a way to honour the legacy of our Their example established the standard for what Patriots from around the world! it means to be human in their own time and also Canada is made up of the peoples of the world today, at a time unspeakable crimes are being com- alongside the Indigenous Peoples of these lands.
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