Building a Culture of Cyber Resilience in Manufacturing W H


Building a Culture of Cyber Resilience in Manufacturing W H

26 Apr 2024

Led by the Centre for Cybersecurity These three principles are interlinked and mutually and the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and supportive – and are applicable across any Supply Chains at the Forum, this initiative has manufacturing industry and location. [...] accelerated within the sector, with continuous investments in innovation and emerging The upsurge in connectivity and data transparency technologies such as digital twins, robotics, in the manufacturing ecosystem has expanded generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), cloud the sector’s exposure, making it, for three years in computing and the industrial internet of things a row, the sector most. [...] The champions collaborate with the cybersecurity team for – Created a core team of IT and business leadership to lead risk assessments, remediation actions and any urgent needs the effort and define the roles and responsibilities of a to strengthen cybersecurity and resiliency. [...] Integrating cyber resilience challenges for industries including the resilience into business strategies is fundamental critical group of small and medium enterprises.37 to enable manufacturing organizations to fully As the human factor is critical for cultural change leverage the transformative potential of digitalization and with 52% of organizations lacking the right and innovation. [...] resources, the Forum is developing actions to bridge this cyber skills gap.38 To successfully establish and maintain a cyber resilience culture in the manufacturing sector, Recognizing the complexity and scale of integrating continuous collaborative efforts across all cyber resilience across the manufacturing stakeholders are imperative.
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