cover image: Recommendations to the NPRI – NGO members of the Work Group re: Reporting on Mercury and its compounds - Reporting threshold


Recommendations to the NPRI – NGO members of the Work Group re: Reporting on Mercury and its compounds - Reporting threshold

13 Mar 2024

Recommendations to the NPRI – NGO members of the Work Group re: Reporting on Mercury and its compounds While Canada (federally, and the provinces and territories) has a number of measures in place, such as standards and regulations regarding processes and products that use and release mercury, there is a hodgepodge of reporting requirements, not only with respect to the level of mercury set for re. [...] In light of the Minamata Convention, as it strives forward to establish a level of consistency worldwide in reporting mercury releases to the environment from a broad range of facilities, as well as reporting on disposals of mercury, and mercury in products, this is an opportune time for Canada to review and re-assess its current reporting requirements for mercury under the NPRI and to align these. [...] 1 Mercury - The Minamata Convention and the NPRI This document provides an overview of the Minamata Convention, Canadian measures to implement the Convention, facilities reporting releases of mercury to the NPRI, and recommendations by the NGO members of the NPRI Work Group for the upcoming workplan of the NPRI in consideration of the obligations under the Minamata Convention. [...] Articles 13 and 14: Financial resource, capacity building and technical transfer Canada has and will continue to provide national resources to undertake domestic programs to implement provisions of the Convention, for example, restrictions on the export of mercury and regulations regarding mercury in products and financial support as well as capacity building, technical assistance and technology t. [...] For example, Canada’s Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) undertakes human biomonitoring and health research in the Canadian Arctic to assess the impacts of environmental contaminants on Inuit, Dene, and Métis communities and works with Territorial and Regional health authorities to develop public information and advice related to mercury in traditional foods, and how to reduce dietary exposure to.



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