cover image: Policy brief - Estimating the impact of irregular and unsustainable fishing of distant-


Policy brief - Estimating the impact of irregular and unsustainable fishing of distant-

4 Apr 2024

The report reveals the scale, form and behaviour of the domestic and foreign fleets operating within the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, Ghana and the Philippines. [...] This method facilitates a comparison of the economic efficiency and productivity of the fisheries sector across different countries, highlighting the variance in economic impact due to the activities of the examined firms. [...] The potential increase in poverty levels associated with these activities underscores the social implications of unsustainable fishing practices, highlighting the need for sustainable management and regulation of the sector to protect and enhance the livelihoods of those dependent on it. [...] Conclusions The presence of foreign fleets and companies with a history of unsustainable practices in the EEZs of Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, Ghana, and the Philippines poses significant risks to the long-term well-being of local fishing communities and marine biodiversity. [...] The Aichi Biodiversity Targets, adopted under the Convention on Biological Diversity, call for the protection of at least 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020 and the Kunming/Montreal Framework calls for the protection of 30% of land and sea by 2030.



Published in
United Kingdom