cover image: Promoting Health Rights and Access to Medicines in Europe - PHRAME II


Promoting Health Rights and Access to Medicines in Europe - PHRAME II

8 Apr 2024

FINAL PHRAME II Brochure 2024 Promoting Health Rights and Access to Medicines in Europe PHRAME II INTRODUCTION Sustainable access to medicines and vaccines remains an issue in a number of European Union (EU) Member States, especially pertaining to the sustainability of public health systems. [...] Artificial Intelligence and Health The use of AI in healthcare presents a range of specific risks due to several reasons, such as the inherent susceptibility of bias contained health data. [...] In 2024, HAI—as one of the few civil society organisations active in the field of tech policy and health —will continue its research, advocacy and awareness raising to protect patients’ rights and ensure AI technologies do not exacerbate health inequalities. [...] HAI works with a broad network of individuals and organisations to share knowledge and best practice, as well as working directly with policy- and lawmakers, including through our role as co-chair of the European Parliamentary Working Groups on Access to Medicines and Poverty-related Diseases. [...] In 2024, HAI and partners will continue to engage in a range of fora, including the Novel Medicines Platform and the newly formed Critical Medicines Alliance.



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