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Subscribing for HDRO Data API and Obtaining API Key

22 Apr 2024

Now you can call HDRO Data API endpoints providing the API key in the query string of your requests. [...] CountryOrAggregation 3-digit country ISO3 code (i.e., AFG) [your API key]&countryOrAggregation=AFG Comma separated 3-digit country ISO3 codes (i.e., AFG,USA,BRA) [your API key]&countryOrAggregation=AFG,USA,BRA HDRegion/HDGroup code (i.e., SA for ‘South Asia’ or VHHD for ‘Very High Huma. [...] [your API key] [your API key] [your API key] [your API key] Query by Country and Year Endpoint HTTP Method: GET Request URL: [your API k. [...] [your API key] Metadata Endpoint HTTP Method: GET Request URL: [your API key] Parameters APIkey Your API key which you received by email. [...] entityName The entity name (i.e., Countries) Accepted Values for entityName Dimensions Indices Indicators Countries HDRegions HDGroups Subscribing for HDRO Data API and Obtaining API Key Composite Indices Query Endpoint Sample Payload Query-Detailed Endpoint Sample Payload Parameters Apikey CountryOrAggregation Year Indicator Accepted Values Query by Country and Year Endpoint Paramet.


Kumail Jawadi

Published in
United States of America