cover image: Update on the human rights situation in Afghanistan: - JANUARY - MARCH 2024 UPDATE


Update on the human rights situation in Afghanistan: - JANUARY - MARCH 2024 UPDATE

1 May 2024

of Afghan girls in high schools, due to the de facto authorities continued ban on girls’ On 9 January in Alo Khil area of PD16, an education beyond grade six.³ An invitation to IED explosion targeted a commuter bus attend a ceremony in Kabul marking the transporting staff of the de facto Office of commencement of the new academic year, the Prison Administration. [...] The amnesty, for example in an interview with Al gathering was attended by a number of de Jazeera on 9 March, the spokesperson for the facto officials, including the de facto de facto Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abdul Provincial Governor, de facto Chief of Qahar Balkhi, stated: “We have maintained a Police, de facto Director of General policy of general amnesty…There are Directorate of Intelligen. [...] A delegation of de administration of justice: facto officials, including the de facto On 19 March, the de facto Ministry of Provincial Governor, Head of the de facto Justice announced that from 11 February Appeal Court and a delegation from the de to 11 March its de facto Legal Aid facto Supreme Court, attended the Directorate had provided legal assistance execution, along with hundreds of other t. [...] 1444 dated 4 March 2024, containing there have been two previous instances of the the Law on Complaint Hearing and several death penalty being implemented in decrees of the Taliban leader, including on accordance with court decisions and the the establishment of a special court to approval of the Taliban leader: the first was in deal with disputes over land allegedly Farah province on 7 December 2. [...] the High Directorate to the relevant military On 26 March, spokesperson for the de facto courts, and transferring authority to pursue authorities, Zabihullah Mujahid told TOLO and arrest kidnappers from the de facto News that stoning is part of Sharia law and General Directorate of Intelligence to the that “if the conditions for it [stoning] arise de facto Ministry of Interior.1 4 again, we will u.


Julia Alhinho

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