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U4 HELDESK ANSWER 2024: 15 - Senegal: Overview of corruption and anti-corruption

6 May 2024

This indicator captures the perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in the rules of society and specifically the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence (World Bank no date b). [...] An earlier survey conducted by OFNAC with the support of UNDP in 2016 found that the public sector was perceived as the most corrupt, next to public administration, the judiciary, the private sector, the national parliament, the media, and technical and financial partners. [...] The IMF’s (2023: 13) recent report noted that, following the publication of the court of accounts’ report, the authorities implemented an action plan to rectify the identified flaws in the PFM, and criminal proceedings have been launched against individuals and companies involved in the misappropriation of Covid relief funds. [...] 2020-07 on the Budget Acts, which reformed Senegal’s budgetary system, as the budgeting process changed from the logic of means to the logic of performance, with the results-based management as a backdrop (Ministry of Justice of Senegal 2021: 7) In addition, a public-private partnership (PPP) law entered into force in 2021, and the public procurement code was amended in 2022 with the decree no. [...] Its responsibilities include judicial control of the accounts of public accountants, the control of the execution of finance laws, the control of the para-public sector and sanctions for mismanagement (Cour des Comptes no date).


Jamie Bergin

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