cover image: BRIEFING PAPER - Making the business case for a city council


BRIEFING PAPER - Making the business case for a city council

13 May 2024

• A local food partnership of civil society The Portfolio of the team working on food has developed organisations has driven work within the city in in response to the increasing recognition of value of this the first instance, increasing the recognition of work. [...] The team was System Team in the city and overseen the development supported by the advisory group: The London Food and publication of the city’s food strategy. [...] Sandwell was Leicester: among the first places to create food policy in the UK, and The Food Board meets quarterly and is made up of a this was in large part thanks to the vision and diverse group of food system stakeholders, including understanding of the Director of Public Health. [...] We asked track record of the partnership has earned the respect of interviewees how the local food partnership and the the council and they are open to being held to account council interacted and explored the value of the two and challenged by the partnership. [...] The reasons mentioned were: • The breadth and depth of work required to shift a Hull: city food system is beyond the capacity of a The Hull Food Partnership works on the wider elements council food team/lead of food across the city.


Angela Young

Published in
United Kingdom