Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Advancing Industry Collaboration in


Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Advancing Industry Collaboration in

15 May 2024

A safe, The need: Enhancing collaboration efficient and innovative vehicle software platform in the vehicle software platform is, however, vital for the software-defined vehicle success – it drives the decoupling of software and hardware (a prerequisite for its scaled development) The need for collaboration to advance the and unlocks the full ecosystem value and transition to the software-defined. [...] consortia collaboration Areas 1 to 5 include the key components of the The collaboration needed in the vehicle software vehicle software platform. [...] the overarching alignment and governance of The World Economic Forum and Boston the other five areas and it is responsible for Consulting Group, in collaboration with the ensuring a clear allocation of efforts among the Automotive in the Software-Driven Era community consortia in the other five areas – efforts that and their expert groups, identified six broad areas should contribute to a shared S. [...] F I G U R E 3 Six broad areas of collaboration in the vehicle software platform 1 2 3 4 5 6 Area Syntax and Semantics App Operating Integration Alignment and protocols development environment governance Description The „grammar“ of The “vocabulary" of The tooling/UI in The encapsulation The logical The coordination and key software (i.e., what software ( i.e., which the features and separation of. [...] Ensure a holistic approach to governance In order to advance the different areas successfully, there needs to be clarity in the roles and Different bodies and/or industry consortia can add responsibilities of the different consortia, as well as value to the same area, yet it is unlikely all of them a unified direction that maximizes synergies among would drive the agenda in the same direction.
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