In collaboration with Oliver Wyman - Nature Positive: Guidelines for the


In collaboration with Oliver Wyman - Nature Positive: Guidelines for the

21 May 2024

the natural world, the impacts of urbanization on biodiversity loss, the need for cities to establish The World Economic Forum and Oliver Wyman a nature action plan and the opportunities to joined forces in 2023 to help advance the nature- rehabilitate nature in the built environment. [...] These reports highlight the – Nature-Positive Cities relevance of nature-related risks, identify the impacts and dependencies of the economy and – Sector Transitions to Nature Positive Sector reports Select a report to discover more Nature Positive: Nature Positive: Nature Positive: Role of the Chemical Sector Role of the Household and Role of the Cement Personal Care Sector and Concrete Sector Na. [...] aims to provide clarity on the strides of the global biodiversity agenda and support local Urban centres are the primary drivers of the governments and businesses in understanding global economy, contributing 80% of the world’s their role as positive agents of change. [...] increasing frequency of floods, hurricanes, droughts and heatwaves, highlighting the interdependence While urban centres serve as the primary drivers between nature and climate and between the of the global economy, contributing 80% of the biosphere and the atmosphere. [...] – A list of planned nature-positive actions, including policy-based measures and the implementation of nature-based solutions Nature Positive: Guidelines for the Transition in Cities 20 B O X 3 Durban’s nature stewardship vision Part of the development of a nature strategy The vision statement should capture the desired involves the creation of a concise and inspiring future state of the city’s na.
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