cover image: GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY WATCH 2024 SPECIAL EDITION - WSIS+20: Reimagining horizons of dignity, equity


GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY WATCH 2024 SPECIAL EDITION - WSIS+20: Reimagining horizons of dignity, equity

8 May 2024

With connectivity in the framing documents of the GDC, digitalisation being one of the central pillars of even in the arguably progressive efforts of the G20 the UN’s “Our Common Agenda”, Guterres has under the leadership of India and now Brazil to called for the GDC to “outline shared principles develop a transformative digital agenda.13 for an open, free and secure digital future for all”11 and. [...] Despite the commitments The policy limitations of the digital to harnessing the disruptive potential of dynamic divide seen as “connectivity” and adaptive general-purpose technologies, One of the reasons why policies of the past two first the internet and now advanced data-driven decades have failed to produce more equitable technologies of AI and machine learning, progress outcomes is because of. [...] This Global governance of digital public goods has amplified the need for data governance and The rise of the internet as a global digital public institutional arrangements to reduce the current good underpinning global trade and financial and unevenness of negative impacts and opportunities information flows requires new forms of global within and between countries. [...] The The implications of failing to address digital increasingly complex and adaptive data systems inequality, as a reflection of structural inequality, are not unrelated to the exclusion of significant are evidenced in the intensifying global processes parts of the global population in the digital polity of digitalisation and datafication which are and economy. [...] The rise in the areas of access to affordable, adequate of monopoly platforms that drive the global quality broadband, public procurement and data economy on the basis of the extraction of vast access and sharing, through the creation of digital amounts of user-generated data that is converted and data commons is required.
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South Africa