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19 Apr 2024

Objectives and Principles: The potential of plastic pollution to exacerbate climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution, along with its risks to human health and human rights, should inform the rigour and ambition of the goals and substance of the instrument. [...] The instrument should incorporate a mandate for measures to reduce and regulate primary (Part II/1) and other problematic plastic production, including production of polymers and chemicals of concern and problematic and avoidable plastic products. [...] The development of these criteria should involve independent scientific communities and consider the essential work of international scientific unions such as the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) in developing global terminology and standards. [...] Nevertheless, the current lack of transparency and insufficient information regarding the chemical composition of plastic products, coupled with inadequate labelling and a lack of traceability of materials across the life cycle, undermines the circular economy principles, hampers the evaluation of the risks and product safety, and has health implications. [...] In addition, developing harmonized and reliable methods for monitoring and tracking plastic waste and pollution at local, national and global levels, to ensure consistent and replicable data collection and to increase data coverage both spatially and temporally, is key.


Anda Popovici

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