cover image: First Joint meeting of the Bureaux of the UN-Habitat Governing Bodies and field visit  MEETING SUMMARY


First Joint meeting of the Bureaux of the UN-Habitat Governing Bodies and field visit MEETING SUMMARY

3 May 2024

Upon invitation by the President, opening statements were made by the Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Chair of the Executive Board of UN-Habitat, the Republic of Kenya. [...] In addition, opening statements were made by the heads of delegations, including representatives of the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Ghana, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Colombia and the Federative Republic of Brazil. [...] The Bureaux congratulated the Governor, the people, and the City of Queretaro as the host of the 2024 World Habitat Day celebrations and expressed gratitude for the preparations made so far towards the event. [...] The Secretariat noted that the strategy for the formulation of the Strategic Plan, from the perspective of the UN-Habitat mandate would involve the selection and articulation and prioritization of the challenges in the formulation of attainable goals for the medium-term period, and definition of actions to be taken by UN-Habitat in the multi-lateral system to attain the objective goals of the Stra. [...] The President recalled Decision 2/3 of the UN-Habitat Assembly on “Term of office of the members of the Executive Board and the Bureau of the United Nations Habitat Assembly”, where the Assembly decided that: a.


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