cover image: A Single Women’s  Agenda for Just Futures


A Single Women’s Agenda for Just Futures

6 May 2024

1.6.2 SA Single Women Cell should be established within the National Commission for Women and the State Women Commissions to address the problems faced by single women all over the country and to take special steps for their development and empowerment. [...] 12.2,3 State governments and the department of home affairs should order the district magistrate and the superintendent of police to visit on a quarterly basis to identified areas under their jurisdiction to review the law-and-order situation and meet the vulnerable and potential victims who face the threat of witch branding. [...] 12.3.2 The district magistrate or the sub-divisional magistrate or any other executive magistrate and the superintendent of police/deputy superintendent of police should order intensive police protection to the victim and the family, increase police patrolling in the area and take effective and << 22 >> A Single Women’s Agenda for Just Futures necessary steps to provide protection to the witnesses. [...] 12.3.9 The home secretary and the social welfare secretary to the state government, the director of prosecution, the officer in-charge of prosecution and the director general of police shall review by the end of every quarter the position of all investigations by the investigating officer in cases of offences of witch branding. [...] << 23 >> A Single Women’s Agenda for Just Futures 12.3.10 The governments of the states prone to witch branding should nominate nodal officers of the level of a secretary to the state government, for coordinating the functioning of the district magistrates and superintendent of police or other officers authorised by them, investigating officers and other officers responsible for implementing the p.
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