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Water and Politics

22 May 2024

lated scenarios in which the annual rate of non- The authors of the new work sought to identify renewable groundwater withdrawal peaks and when and where water withdrawals from many declines over the 21st century. [...] The analysis was led by the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and the Projections are not predictions Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and is the largest modelling study of its "The purpose of long-term scenarios is not to kind to date. [...] transboundary water cooperation for In 2023, Iraq became the first Party to the UN peace and development in the region Water Convention from the Middle East and 02 May 2024 North Africa region, committing to enhanced transboundary water cooperation with its ne- ighbors. [...] Sadeq Baqer Al-Jawad from the Prime Minister’s Advisory Commission in a session organized by the Ministry of Water Resources and the UN Water Task Force in Iraq, inclu- ding the UNECE secretariat of the Water Con- Iraq grapples with severe water challenges vention. [...] The Euphrates and tern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia in Tigris rivers, vital lifelines for the region’s agri- the National Policy Dialogues on Integrated culture, ecosystems, and communities, face incre- Water Resources Management under the asing threats from upstream water diversions, Water Convention’s programme of work.



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