cover image: Biden Administration Extends ACA Coverage to DACA Recipients: What this Means for Healthcare Access


Biden Administration Extends ACA Coverage to DACA Recipients: What this Means for Healthcare Access

8 May 2024

The final rule clarifies the definition of “lawfully present” to include DACA recipients, enabling them to enroll in the following plan types: Qualified Health Plans (QHPs), which are individual or How the New Rule Will Help End HIV small group plans purchased through the DACA is an important source of protection for marketplaces. [...] Many Ryan White unwinding of the COVID-19 pandemic-era continuous HIV/AIDS Programs have been providing HIV care coverage requirements, the Administration ultimately and treatment for DACA recipients or have been opted not to extend this expanded definition to helping DACA recipients to enroll in much more Medicaid and CHIP. [...] do not have HIV to enroll in ACA plans could also help more people vulnerable to HIV to access The Administration estimates that the new rule could PrEP. [...] However, the rule – and the DACA program’s very existence – is still very much dependent on the resolution of ongoing litigation still making its way through the courts, and on the outcome of the November 2024 elections. [...] Even if DACA survives the court challenge, a future Administration could take action to unwind the program through the rulemaking process.
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United States of America