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Who is Financing Fossil Fuel Expansion in Africa?

15 May 2024

is in ultra deepwater areas.3 At the beginning of 2022, TotalEnergies and Shell Oil and gas exploration is also underway in the northeast announced the discovery of huge oil and gas reserves in of Namibia and across the border in Botswana. [...] save the Okavango Delta” and petitioned the the water, plants and The Okavango Delta transforms governments of Namibia and Botswana to halt this otherwise dry area into drilling for oil and gas in the Okavango region. [...] The GTA project is a serious threat The reef and the surrounding seafloor are to the coastal ecosystems and the people of one of the most biodiverse areas of the Maurita- Mauritania and Senegal. [...] All of the major has not yet progressed to the field evaluation stage and European oil and gas companies are among the top 20 is therefore not covered in the short-term expansion data expansionists in Africa, with the exception of Equinor. [...] It would be directly or via a port in the case of the East African Crude the longest offshore pipeline in the world and would be LNG Terminal Capacity in Oil Pipeline and the Niger-Benin pipeline.
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