cover image: Annual Report 2023


Annual Report 2023

17 Apr 2024

We held critical consultations and open panels on AI, copyright, and the CC Licenses, cultural heritage, education, and science; and we launched our Open Infrastructure Circle in an effort to ensure the CC Licenses are funded well CC staff photos are licensed into the future. [...] 27 Webinars on topics like the basics of Open Culture, the possibilties of Open Educational Resources (OER) for business-university cooperation, and the future of CC Licenses in digital and online education. [...] 12 CC Legal Open Office Hours hosted by our legal team, providing a personalized opportunity for the CC community to ask questions about CC Licenses, open access, and sharing. [...] Today, we steer campaigns, programming, and training in many areas: Open Culture Open Education 2023 was quite a year for the CC We delivered workshops and Open Culture Program, thanks to presentations on CC Licenses and generous funding from Arcadia. [...] from one to two and a half staff, The CC Open Education Platform rolling out new initiatives like also funded six global projects, TAROC (Towards a including work to advance the Recommendation on Open UNESCO Recommendation on Culture) and Open Culture Live: OER.


Marlena Reimer

Published in
United States of America